A curated newsletter with interesting reads, tools, and learning resources sent out every two weeks.

Continuous learning for curious minds.

As a curator, I sift through the noise to bring you articles, videos, podcasts, and tech tools designed to inform you about the future of the world at home and work.

Be well informed, instead of first informed.

The Learning Curve is sent out every two weeks. Instead of desperately trying to beat social media to breaking news stories, I focus on depth, context, and expert opinion.

Join curious people and subscribe.

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    What’s in The Learning Curve?

    • The best of technology, with a focus on tech for good.

    • Information and resources to become stay on top of your game.

    • Actionable tools that can help your productivity and creativity.

    • Hey, I’m Hasmukh. Feel free to call me Has.

      I often go down rabbit holes while exploring my curiosity at the intersection of content marketing, tech for good, and personal development. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about myself, it’s that I learn best by doing.

      For a while now, I've been teaching myself about an ever-growing intersection of topics:

      Photography has led me down the path of discovering creative tools.

      Teaching English as a second language has led me down the path of EdTech and gamification.

      Managing mobile and VR apps has led me down the path of user experience design and digital well-being.

      Moving abroad and learning new cultures and languages has put me on a fast-tracked path to personal development.

      Marketing myself online and looking for photo opportunities has piqued my interest in the creator economy and social media.

      Technological advancements and their implementation in the workplace have led me down the path of digital adoption and transformation.

      Professional experience in startups to multinationals across seven companies has led me down the path of modern management and work culture.

      By putting together this newsletter, I'm committing to my own learning journey and putting some structure, intention, and focus behind it.

    Get The Learning Curve in your inbox.

    Join me and other curious readers every other Saturday.

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